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Nintendo will show off 'Donkey Kong Country' theme park expansion at live event today


Nintendo is set to show off the Donkey Kong Country expansion of its Super Nintendo World theme park today (Monday, November 11) at 5PM ET, the company revealed in a post on X. That means the new Universal Studios Japan area might finally open soon, after being delayed from the previously announced launch window of Spring 2024.

The new park attraction featuring Mario’s barrel-throwing nemesis was first revealed in 2021. The centerpiece is a ride called Mine Cart Madness, named after the best level in the 1994 SNES game Donkey Kong Country. After being blasted out of a barrel cannon, you’ll take a mine cart ride through the jungle that includes a “leap across a collapsed track” as Nintendo showed in a render earlier this year.

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The direct livestream appears to be focused on Donkey Kong world alone, and Nintendo specifically pointed out that “no game information will be featured” — so don’t expect any news on the next-gen Switch 2 console either.

Donkey Kong Country will expand the park size by up to 70 percent, Nintendo said when it was announced. Current attractions at the Japan park are the Mario Kart: Kuppa’s Challenge rollercoaster and Yoshi Adventure. Nintendo recently announced that it would open a Super Nintendo World attraction at Universal Studios Orlando on May 22nd, 2025 with the same attractions as the park in Osaka.


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